Research unit 5211

SOMACROSS - Persistent SOMAtic Symptoms ACROSS Diseases: From Risk Factors to Modification

The goal of the interdisciplinary Research Unit (RU) SOMACROSS is to determine the complex and dynamic biopsychosocial interplay in the transition from acute to persistent symptom states, i.e., to investigate which factors and mechanisms contribute to the persistence of somatic symptoms over time. Hence, we will examine biological, psychological, and social factors that are expected to contribute to the persistence of somatic symptoms in a number of different syndromes and diseases by conducting eight projects based on a common working model. All projects use prospective designs, harmonised measurement times, joint core measures and coordinated evaluation methods, which allows both project-specific and cross-project evaluation. With the newly achieved insights into the multifactorial development of persistent somatic symptoms, we will be able to develop scientifically sound approaches to modify these symptoms and thereby provide targeted help to patients in the future.


Martinistraße 52
Campus Research N27
20246 Hamburg Germany
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University Medical Center Hamburg - Eppendorf