Mission Statement

“Understandung antibody-mediated kidney disase to investigate target specific therapeutical options

— Gunther Zahner, PhD

Team Members

PhD student

Annabel Schnarre

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@ Tomas et al. 2022, Kidney International

Currently two Phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R)-specific experimental membranous nephritis models are established. In the one with mice, the complete human PLA2R is expressed specifically in podocytes, leading to the spontaneous development of PLA2R titer very early after birth. Consequently, granular immune complexes (green) and subepithelial electron-dense deposits are generated followed by severe proteinuria six weeks after birth (see graph). In a second model, a chimeric PLA2R consisting of human CysR-CTLD1, the most immunogenic part, and murine CTLD2-CTLD8, is specifically expressed in podocytes. This chimeric PLA2R expression is tolerated and therefore suitable for directed active immunisation using huPLA2R protein. After active immunisation, membranous nephropathy develops after 6 to 10 weeks including all expected features of the disease.

Using these models, we investigate the course of pathophysiology from disease initiation up to the end point of severe proteinuria including the still controversially discussed role of the complement system. Furthermore, both models are currently used to investigate highly specific therapies of different settings.

Gunther Zahner, PhD

III. Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)
Martinistr. 52
20246 Hamburg, Germany


Current Position

since 2011

Senior Physician, III. Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Prof. Dr. Tobias B. Huber

University Training

1984 - 1989

Study of Biology, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Academic qualifications
 1990 - 1994 PhD Thesis, Institute of Biology, University of Stuttgart, docotoral adviser: Prof. Dr. Kurt Köhler
Previous professional career

Scientific postgraduate education:

1995 - 2010

Post doctoral fellow, III. Department of Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Prof. Dr. Rolf A.K. Stahl

Selected publications

Meyer-Schwesinger C, Tomas NM,  Dehde S, Seifert L, Hermans-Borgmeyer I, Wiech T, Koch-Nolte F, Huber TB, Zahner G. Kidney Int. 2020 May;97(5):913-919.



March 26–29, 2025 | Frankfurt, Germany
February 6-9, 2025 | New Delhi, India
December 2024 | UKE Science

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Campus Research N27
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University Medical Center Hamburg - Eppendorf